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- Stroke Commodity 1.1 (15.4.98)
- Pasi 'Albert' Ojala
- albert@cs.tut.fi
- http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/
- What is Stroke Commodity?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Stroke commodity is a mouse-controlled Intuition event generator.
- That's a short explanation. A longer version explains that you
- can draw different symbols using the mouse and the commodity will
- then interpret them and insert the appropriate events into the
- input stream.
- Strokes are most useful with a 3-button mouse. You assign the middle
- button to be the stroke 'key'. Press the button down, draw a symbol,
- and release the button. Stroke commodity will then check what you
- wanted, creates the corresponding input events and inserts them into
- the input event chain.
- Installation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Use the accompanied installation script. It installs all files needed
- into a directory, and optionally installs a launcher icon into the
- WBStartup drawer. Default 4-color icons and MagicWB icons are available.
- Start the commodity by double-clicking either the startup-icon or
- the installed version. You can then press the default popkey
- combination control + left alt + s to open the commodity's window
- so that you can configure it to your liking.
- Fixes for version 1.0
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Fixed an enforcer hit which occurred when menu button was used
- in the Stroke window and no menu selection was picked.
- Fixes for version 1.1
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- It is now possible to prevent the swallowing of stroke events.
- Before only left and right button presses were passed through
- if the stroke did not use any qualifier keys.
- Theory of Operation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When you press the stroke button with the right qualifier key(s)
- pressed, the commodity starts to record mouse movements. When you
- release the button, a series of operations is performed on the
- recorded movements.
- These movements are relative, i.e. they represent the relative
- movement of the mouse. This movement is first filtered with a
- median filter to get rid of some noise. Then the movement is
- changed from relative to absolute coordinates. Minimum and maximum
- values in both directions (horizontal and vertical) are determined.
- These values represent the rectangular region which contain the
- stroke. The stroke is scaled into a 3-by-3 matrix. However, if
- the rectangle is more than two times as wide/high as high/wide,
- the original aspect ratio is preserved. This makes it possible to
- have single horizontal and vertical strokes.
- If the absolute movement in horizontal or vertical direction is
- very small, that movement is discarded. The stroke then has no
- movement.
- When the stroke has been scaled, it is converted back to relative
- coordinates for detection. Direction-length -representation is
- the logical format, even if it is a bit differently handled in
- the program. Anyway, detection is tried next. The new stroke is
- compared to existing strokes. Generally it is necessary that
- the strokes have the same lines (the same direction and length)
- in the same order. The first line and the last line in the stroke
- are exceptions, they only need to have the same direction.
- If a match is found, the corresponding action is performed
- (unless "watch only" is selected). If there is no match, and
- "learn mode" is activated, the new stroke is added and gets the
- currently selected action as a default action. This action can
- be later changed or the stroke can be deleted. The stroke is
- also shown in the commodity's window. If the window isn't open,
- it's opened and the screen is brought to front. If there was no
- match and "learn mode" was not activated, nothing happens.
- The Edit Window:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Qualifier Selection:
- --------------------
- Qualifier
- Button
- Here you can select the button and the qualifiers you
- need when making strokes. Middle button is the default.
- When you select qualifier keys and change the button,
- the change will only take place if you use "Apply",
- "Save", or "Use". This also applies to the "Relaxed"
- selection, but does not apply to the stroke and action
- editing and commands.
- Swallow
- Determines if the commodity should eat up all events
- that are meant for it, i.e. the stroke mouse button is
- pressed with the right qualifiers. Left and right mouse
- button events (when there are no qualifier keys) can not
- be swallowed (this gadget will be ghosted, i.e. inactive
- then).
- Exact Match
- Selects exact/relaxed qualifiers. In either mode you
- need to press the selected qualifiers, in relaxed mode
- you can also press additional qualifiers. In exact match
- mode you can only press the selected qualifiers.
- Apply
- This gadget updates the current qualifiers, stroke button,
- swallow and "relaxed" setting. Is equal to "Use", except
- that it does not close the window. This is not really "Test",
- like in many other preference and commodity programs, because
- "Cancel" does not restore old settings.
- Stroke Controls:
- ----------------
- Watch Only
- If this box is checked, strokes will not cause any
- input events to be generated. This is useful when you
- are initially teaching a lot of commands and don't want
- them to be 'executed'.
- Learn Mode
- When this box is checked, strokes that are not recognized
- are automatically added. The preferred sequence in teaching
- new commands is to first select/set the required action
- (input event description) and then draw the stroke. A new
- stroke is always associated with the action currently selected.
- A new action can be set using the "Bind" gadget.
- Stroke <>
- These two small gadgets are used to step through the
- existing strokes. The action display is updated to show
- the action associated with the current showing stroke.
- Delete
- This button deletes the current stroke.
- Action Controls:
- ----------------
- Action <>
- These gadgets are used to select the right action for
- a stroke.
- Action String
- Write the action you want here. The action will be updated
- when you press return, so don't forget to press it. This
- changes the action for all strokes that has that action
- "bound" to them.
- Bind
- This gadget associates the current action with the
- current stroke. If the current stroke has already
- the current action, this gadget is ghosted.
- Qualifier/Window Controls:
- --------------------------
- Save
- The selected stroke qualifiers and button will become
- active. Also saves preferences to the icon file, saves
- strokes if they have been changed and closes the window.
- Use
- The selected stroke qualifiers and button will become
- active. Also closes the window.
- Cancel
- Closes the window without changing the stroke qualifiers
- or the button.
- Menus:
- ~~~~~~
- Project:
- --------
- Save Strokes
- Saves current strokes and their actions whether they have
- been changed or not.
- Save Prefs
- Saves current preferences whether they have been changed or not.
- About
- Opens/closes an about-requester. This is an asynchronous window,
- so you can use strokes while the requester is open.
- Hide
- Closes the window but keeps the commodity resident.
- Quit
- Quits the commodity. If you try to quit when there are unsaved
- strokes/actions, you are asked if you want to save them.
- Edit
- ~~~~
- Reset to Defaults
- Initializes the preferences to the default values.
- Last Saved
- Reads in the lastly-saved preferences and strokes/actions.
- Clear All
- Clears all actions and removes all strokes.
- Teaching Strokes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Teaching new strokes and actions is best described using an example.
- You want to teach a stroke that changes screens. You have decided
- that an up-arrow would be the right stroke.
- 1) Start the commodity so that it opens its window.
- (If you have CX_POPUP=NO in the icon, run the program
- again and it will open its window, or use commodity
- exchange to ask the commodity to open its window.)
- You can also open the window by pressing the popkey,
- by default control-left alt-s (<ctrl lalt s>).
- 2) Check boxes "Learn Mode" and "Watch Only"
- 3) Select a free action, activate the string gadget and
- write "<lcommand m>", not including the quotes.
- (lcommand means the left amiga key, and left amiga+m
- is the screen shuffle combination.)
- 4) Remember to press return so that the action is really
- updated.
- 5) Press down the required qualifier keys and the stroke
- button (by default no qualifiers, just the middle button)
- 6) Move the mouse directly upwards, a moderate amount.
- 7) Release the button and/or qualifiers
- 8) The stroke you just made should appear. If it didn't,
- you used a wrong qualifier-button combination or didn't
- have the "Learn Mode" active. The first line in the
- stroke is drawn in different color than the rest so that
- it would be easier to see where the stroke starts.
- 9) If the stroke doesn't correspond to an up-arrow you draw,
- press "Delete", select the action that has "<lcommand m>"
- and try again. If it did, you can deselect "Learn Mode"
- and "Watch Only" and try out the action you just taught.
- Changing Actions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Many strokes can have the same action. If you want to change
- an action you have to options:
- 1) Change the action itself - all strokes that had that
- action still has that action, it's just different now.
- Just write a new action text into the string gadget and
- press return.
- 2) Select a new action to a stroke - only the current stroke's
- action will be changed. In this case use the "Bind" gadget
- to set the new action to the stroke.
- Small List of Events
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- smake\n - "smake" followed by a return
- <rcommand q> - right amiga + q, standard "quit" shortcut
- <ctrl lalt help> - control + left alt + help, default exchange hotkey
- <ctrl x> - control + x, shell delete-line command
- <f1> - the first function key
- <rawmouse mouse_leftpress><rawmouse upstroke mouse_leftpress>
- - simulates left mouse button press
- Features & Hints
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you select (and "apply" or "use") left or right mouse button
- without any qualifiers, the commodity will not allow you to filter
- (i.e. swallow) those button events. This is because it would become
- somewhat difficult to change the settings or use menus. However, if
- you select middle mouse button or either of the other buttons with
- at least one qualifier, button events with those qualifiers can be
- filtered out with the "swallow" setting. Popkey events are also
- filtered, they are not seen by other commodities or applications.
- There were occasional small reversing-effects coming from the mouse.
- A median filter was added to remove small mouse glitches.
- Do not use complex strokes! The more complex you make your strokes,
- the more of them you need to teach to get all the possible combinations
- of mouse movements. With single straight lines you already have eight
- strokes, with two straight lines you have 32 more. These usually need
- only one stroke to be recognized correctly, something like O needs 2-4
- different strokes. (O or 0 is a stroke that is actually quite usable.)
- On the other hand, using only two-line strokes will present a problem
- in remembering which stroke does what. Try to pick intuitive strokes.
- For example, I assigned amiga-Q to a "bottom-right to top-left" stroke.
- A logical extension to this was a stroke "bottom-right, top-left,
- bottom-left" bind to amiga-H. Simple up-stroke was intuitive for
- screen changing (left amiga M).
- Preferences are saved into tooltype entries in the icon file. If
- there is no icon file when you save preferences, a default tool icon
- is created and the settings are saved there. You can change the settings
- using e.g. workbench "info" command and then load them using "Last Saved"
- in the commodity's edit menu.
- The strokes and actions are saved into a separate file. By default
- the file is "PROGDIR:Stroke.data", which describes a file in the
- same directory as the executable. You can change the filename from
- the tooltype named "DATAFILE". "Last Saved" will try to read the
- datafile, "Save Strokes" writes it.
- An icon is currently created for the data file. This makes it
- easier to move the commodity AND the datafile from one place to
- another. For example you can just drag the commodity and the data
- file to WBStartup-drawer and be done with it. Oops, I take that
- back, seems it's not that simple.
- Because WB gets confused when you have an icon for the datafile
- in the WBStartup directory, I recommend that you install Stroke
- into its own directory and just copy a project icon with the
- default tool stroke (and whatever the path will be) into the
- WBStartup drawer. (The install script does this.) This has two
- advantages:
- 1) you don't need to copy the catalog files and
- 2) everything stroke-related will be kept in the same directory.
- So, if you later remove the stroke commodity, it'll be easier.
- You can't define an action that invokes strokes. You need
- to send stroke button press and stroke button release events,
- but because of how the commodity works, only the button press
- will be received by the commodity when generated by the commodity
- itself.
- Bugs & To do
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The old popkey remains active even if you select "Reset to Defaults"
- or "Last Saved". Live with it or quit and restart stroke commodity
- after changing the hotkey.
- The executable really needs to be named "Stroke". If you always start
- the commodity from shell, you can rename it to anything you like, but
- then you shouldn't start it from workbench anymore.
- Greetings go to:
- Henrik Herranen For talking about the idea so many times.
- Janne Salmijärvi For mental support..
- Timo Kaikumaa For testing and suggestions
- Event generation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Format: '<' [<type>] [[-]<qualifier>] [<direction>] <keydef> '>'
- or
- <ascii-text>
- Type:
- Qualifier:
- Key direction:
- Special keys:
- F11 F12 F2 F3
- F4 F5 F6 F7
- Rawmouse button events:
- Keypad keys:
- ( ) * +
- - . / 0
- 1 2 3 4
- 5 6 7 8
- 9 / .